
"Secrets of The Big Dogs"


How to Get SIX MILLION Eager Prospects Every Month...

Stan Stuchinski's eye-opening Internet marketing course challenges the gurus HEAD ON! And Stan guarantees that you'll know ALL you need to know to BECOME a "guru" yourself after reading his course!

What's INSIDE the ebook is an unbelievable wealth of profit-making truth. But be PREPARED. It's VERY controversial and is probably very different from your customary way of thinking. It will be the most SHOCKING read in your marketing career...

So my friend... If you haven't been having great success with Internet marketing yet, the Big Dogs system will open your mind to an entirely new channel of profitable Internet marketing ideas... ideas that you've never even dreamed of before.

"Secrets of the Big Dogs" introduces the concept of the...

... Coordinated High Income Portfolio (CHIP)

After you become an "Alpha Dog," you promote ONLY ONE URL and you'll be compensated for promoting an entire portfolio of powerfully profitable income-generating programs.

And every item in the portfolio is a resource you NEED to use (and may already use) in promoting YOUR OWN primary business.

Your residual income WILL "spider" in all directions at once, EXPLODING your profit-generating downlines.

In fact...


Let’s "squeeze" all of the individual comp plans of each of the residual CHIP programs into one, all-inclusive "master" comp plan. For each purchaser who DOES join the entire suite of CHIP programs, you earn...

$234.81 per Month!

... in on-going residual income.

And remember: that's $234.81 MORE month after month in RESIDUAL commissions.

One of the best things about joining the CHIP programs, is that the companies you're promoting provide you with a total of...

6,235,000 email prospects every single month!

6 MILLION eager prospects!

You can use them to promote ANYTHING.

Promote Big Dogs OR your own primary business!

Sound good?

But suppose you decide to use your leads to promote Big Dogs...

Assume an impossibly conservative conversion rate of one one-tenth of a percent.

FACT: For every 1,000 qualified hits you bring to the "Big Dog" site, you should be able to make one sale of the "Big Dog" ebook and earn a $4.04 commission.

But let's assume one sale for every 10,000 qualified hits.

FACT: For every 10 ebook sales, you can expect one out of those 10 people to signup for all or most of the CHIP programs under you, each earning you $234.81 a month in ongoing, residual commissions.

Your 296,733 daily leads should generate about 21 sales a day (and 21 x $4.04 = $84.84 a day)

And out of your 21 sales, you should get at least two full-fledged Alpha Dogs . That's $469.62 a day... with very little effort on your part!

TOTAL: $554.46 a day!

That's $16,633.80 a month in residual commissions!

Over two months that's $33,267.60 in Residual Commissions -- Per Month!

Over three months that's $49,901.40 in Residual Commissions -- Per Month!

... and so on.

"C'mon!... This is just pure mathematics, right? It has nothing to do with the real world. I'm not really going to earn that much, am I?"

Full disclosure: You're right. Reality always falls short of potential. There's absolutely NO guarantee that you'll be making this much with the Big Dogs program.


Suppose it took 100,000 qualified hits to generate one sale (instead of our already impossibly conservative 10,000 hits) ... that would still ADD $14,088.60 to your monthly income.

Or suppose (beyond belief) that it took one million qualified hits to generate one sale ... that would ADD  $140.89 to your income every month. So in six months, you would be making $845.34 and in a year you would be making $1690.68.

Look, we could go on playing the scenarios. But the bottom line is that YOUR bottom line is about EXPLODE!

Get Your Copy Now...

"Uh-oh, this is going to cost me, right?

Well, sure -- a ONE-TIME $7.00 for the ebook, "Secrets of the Big Dogs," itself and a monthly $10 admin fee. It takes money to make money -- but not much. When you're adding $14,088.60 (... or even $140.89) to your monthly earnings month after month, are you REALLY going to miss that $7.00? Are you REALLY going to miss the $10 admin fee? I didn't think so.

And yes, to upgrade in the CHIP programs in order to ensure maximum commissions you'll need to drop a little more cash. But what you pay in upgrades is a vanishing fraction of what you'll make with the Big Dogs program, believe me.

(A word to the wise -- Some of the CHIP programs offer lifetime highest level upgrades. If you have the cash up front, go for it. This will save you THOUSANDS in the months and years to come. Watch for the OTO's.)

This program has phenomenal potential!

Now think about this... even if the CHIP programs had NO compensation plan, don't you think you'd build your business a lot quicker with 207,833 email prospects each day ? Don't you think you could squeeze out one or two more sales? Add one or two members to your downlines? Get a few more subscribers?


ALSO... once you refer just a few people into the CHIP programs, they're effectively ALL paid for. That means your CHIP portfolio is getting a free ride, with ZERO expenses!

"Secrets of the Big Dogs" offers a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Just ask for a refund if you're not satisfied. Your investment will be returned immediately -NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

So why not get off the porch and "Run With the Big Dogs"?

Ready to get started? The most profitable adventure of your life starts right now..


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